Out with the old in with the .eu!

Last week .eu domains went on sale to the general public in EU countries. Today there are 17,645 active .eu domains registered in Ireland out of a total of 1,410,297. Some of those 17.645 are mine.

I’ve moved my personal website from cademuir.net to  www.cademuir.eu. I’ve also set up  www.realteolaiocht.eu which at the moment just points to the Irish Astronomical Dictionary on the  South Dublin Astronomical Society website.

I recently decided to change the SDAS website. Its now in its 4th incarnation. It started off as this. Then I set up the current domain name and put a basic site together. Maintinaing this was a pain, so I moved over to a mainly static site next using moveable type as the blog software to publish news updates. This worked better but still had limitations once someone wanted to change something. So now I’ve set it up with mediawiki, the wiki software behind wikipedia. We made this site live last week after myself and John Flannery decided we had enough material in there to start the ball rolling, its already got about four times as much material as the old site. We hope that it will grow to be a resource for amateur observational astronomy as well as containing pages of general astronomical interest. The focus therefore is different to wikipedia, which is an encyclopedia. For example compare our entry for M3 against the Wikipedia entry. If you are interested in astronomy drop by and add some content!

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