That probably won’t be what you want though. For example our recent adoption from a recently deceased friend was developing a fascination for clawing at the carpets and rugs. Min decided that we should get a scratching post. I thought a scratching post was, well, a post, but Min had other ideas so we now own this 4 foot tall thing:
Note the absence of a cat in that photo. I joked with Min when we were buying this thing that the cat would probably be more interested in the cardboard box it came in than the scratching thing. Sure enough:
But not only is the box more interesting, the plastic wrapping that this post thing came in got more attention!
Needless to say the various toys we got her get ignored. That green bit of rope in the top picture however, which is a discarded piece from an old Ultras flag, is the greatest toy ever.
*sigh* At least Simon understands.