Yep still at this after 25 years…
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QUEST: ElvenForest Conquer the Elven Forest which lies to the west of the Temple of Paradise and redeem the forest in the eyes of the Elven Goddess. A journal left in the Elven King's cottage will give more information about the two evils you will have to face, and the Elven Goddess will aid you further as you search for the true cause of the fall of the Elven Forest. QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Central parts, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Dinthiar, extensively rewritten by Jar ZONE: eforest > QUEST: Wonderland Travel through the strange and wondrous Wonderland in search of the kitten Dinah who was last seen at the Queen of Hearts' court. Perhaps you will get invited to a tea party, or perhaps to play croquet while you are there? QPOINTS: 7 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: Central parts, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Jabberwock ZONE: wonder > QUEST: Rheingold Far away, in a distant and magical world, a dragon hides away the stolen Rheingold. Travel with Luckdragon Airways to the Isle Beyond the Waves to seek out Fafner and fight him for possession of it! The rumours claim that the realm of the dragons once was connected to the Keep of Ancaster, which is said to have been located in the fair, but dangerous, Braidwood. QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: Southwest, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Westley ZONE: dflame > QUEST: FindGrail Somewhere beyond the darkness of the catacombs lies an old and valuable cup, defended by a mighty warrior. Find the cup and bring it to the Village Church. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Central parts, the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Cedric ZONE: catacomb > QUEST: IceCrown Somewhere in the extreme north lies the oppressed land of Midnight. Your mission is to destroy the icecrown and end the icefear. By aiding the most miserable of creatures in the land, you might find the information you need. (It is very helpful to have explored most of Northern Lights before attempting to solve this quest.) QPOINTS: 7 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: North, the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Doomdark ZONE: mist > QUEST: FindPainting Steal a valuable painting from the hidden vault of the bank of Frobozz and offer it to the gods. Start on your quest southwest from the Village Church, beyond the Hidden Falls. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Southwest, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Root ZONE: frobozz > QUEST: TrollsCave A long time ago, a troll found a platinum earring a goddess had lost. It has now become a tourist attraction, renowned throughout the whole realm. Find out where the earring is kept and offer it to the gods. QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: Southwest, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Unknown, rewritten by Vitastjern ZONE: forest > QUEST: SunDisc By the magic of stone and feather, return the Disc of the Sun to its appointed place. The might of the Quetzalcoatl will be with you as you unriddle the secrets of the pyramids! QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: South, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Elmo ZONE: ancient > QUEST: BrokenSword Repair the broken sword but first find the pieces which have been scattered around the realm! More information can be found hidden in the Robber Stronghold. QPOINTS: 7 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: Northwards, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Vitastjern ZONE: robber > QUEST: DesertOfFools Find your way into the lost desert, cross its blazing sands and solve the magical secrets that hide the treasure of Ali Baba. (Just don't forget to bring your suntan lotion or you might get burned...) QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Northwest, the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Vitastjern ZONE: fdesert > QUEST: Mjolnir The Thundergod Thor is said to have left his home, Bilskilnir, to search out and destroy the ice giants of Jotunheim. Jotunheim lies beyond the realm of Aasgard, where the gigantic ash tree Yggdrasil grows. Your mission is to dare the realms of the giants and to feel the power from wielding the sacred hammer of the Thundergod Thor! QPOINTS: 9 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: West, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR:ZONE: jotunheim > QUEST: LostBook In a hidden library of the monastery located south of the village, is a book containing all the secrets of AberMUD. Battle its guardian for the possession of the book. QPOINTS: 7 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Mendax ZONE: nrose > QUEST: HastaLaVista ErIC is mad! That stupid terminator transed his shades. Again!!! You will need to find the way to the Brave New World, where mechanical devices live a life of their own; and then past this strange and haunting place to where you might find the shades and the fulfilment of your quest. QPOINTS: 8 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: East/southeast, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Westley ZONE: robots > QUEST: WizardsEye Deep beneath the waves in the realm of King Neptune lies the fabled Wizard's Eye, hidden in darkness. Dare the dangers of the ocean to retrieve it. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: East, the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Shoikana ZONE: ocean > QUEST: MammothSlayer Travel along the glacier to find and kill the giant mammoth with a single blow. Aid the inhabitants of this cold place to receive assistance in return. QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: ZONE: iceage > QUEST: Enlightenment Follow the shining road so that you can travel to far India in search of enlightenment. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: Central parts, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Eri ZONE: newage > QUEST: Wings On the island of Krete, Daidalos designed a maze of unsurpassed cleverness as a way to keep King Minos' mis-shaped son, Minotauros, from escaping and wreaking damage on the people. When the maze was completed, Minos imprisoned Daidalos and Daidalos' son Ikaros there as well, to keep the way through the maze a secret. You will need to escape from Daidalos' prison by flying. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: East, across the sea. The barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Unknown, extensively rewritten by Doomdark. ZONE: labyrinth > QUEST: BullHurdling The most popular sport in the city of Knossos of Krete is the bull hurdling. The winners receive grand treasures and are heaped with honours. Cheaters are thrown into the Minotaur's labyrinth where they suffer a terrible fate. Win the famous bull hurdling contest in Knossos, but make sure that you follow the rules... QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: An eastern island, the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Doomdark ZONE: island > QUEST: GoldenApple Convince the lovely goddess Idun to give you one of her golden apples of eternal youth. She lives in the realm of the Norse gods, not far from the gigantic ash tree Yggdrasil. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: West, the Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: ZONE: viking > QUEST: ElvenSchool Graduate from the Elven School! Start in the kindergarten. QPOINTS: 2 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: From the Oak Forest, north of the Forest Track: east north east (Barbarian Lands) AUTHOR: ZONE: eschool > QUEST: MandolinSword Create the powerful MandolinSword! Start looking around the Mandolin Gates in the forest to the north east of Forest Track. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: ErIC ZONE: mgate > QUEST: PinkElephant Have you ever seen a pink elephant? No? Well, it is time for you to become more than human... To become pink, LARGE and elephantine. To complete this feat of genetical re-engineering, you will have to travel back in time, to when the Elven Forest was still young and vital, to when Dinthiar, King of the Elves, still ruled over a peaceful forest. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: West of the Temple, Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Gaea ZONE: grove > QUEST: AidTheDoctor Some of the Village Doctor's tools have been stolen. Find them and bring them back to him. QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Ithor ZONE: green > QUEST: Enchantment A terrible curse has befallen the daughter of the ruler of a small kingdom located somewhere to the west of the Temple of Paradise. Lift it and receive his gratitude, but be careful, lest the curse claims you as a victim as well... QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Westley & Nethermind ZONE: enchanted > QUEST: Wishbringer The Kingdom of Hyrule is in turmoil, the King has disappeared and his daughter has been kidnapped. And it is YOU that the distraught people blame for their misfortune. Save the Princess Anastasia and her father King Galaesus. More information can be found in the town's library. QPOINTS: 7 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Jar ZONE: hyrule > QUEST: NineHells Can you ever escape the purgatory to which you have been sent for your sins? Is there even a return from your ethereal existence in the depths of hell, or is your spirit forever doomed? QPOINTS: 9 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: In the afterlife... (Starts in The Barbarian Lands.) AUTHOR: Doomdark ZONE: ninehells > QUEST: QuietRiver The small town Nemsma and the castle of Harbalan are threatened by hideous creatures that are terrorizing the inhabitants. Can you save the lands that lie close to the Quiet River by slaying the mightiest of these beasts, the great serpent Bobb, with one hit? QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: South, The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Yip ZONE: qriver > QUEST: Spelunking The vast cavern system hidden far into the mountain behind the cliff window is screaming for a spelunker to come explore it. Can you overcome the natural feelings of claustrophobia and find the way out? QPOINTS: 2 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Caspian ZONE: cavern > QUEST: WickedWitch The Wicked Witch in the gingerbread house has caught two small children whom she intends to roast and eat! Kill the Wicked Witch and save the children! QPOINTS: 2 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Close to the Forest Chapel, The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Vitastjern ZONE: gingerbread > QUEST: RiverDragon The great riverdragon Cinquefoil is keeping the trade up the Blackcave River to a minimum. Save the town of Mystic Cove from this threat and bring back proof of your success! QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: Central parts, the Empire AUTHOR: Art & Vitastjern ZONE: mystic > QUEST: SilverLake The descendants of the surviving elves from the Elven Forest have built their tree city north of the Silver Lake in the lands across the ocean. But now they once again face a threat of corruption and decay. Kill the evil dark elf that has poisoned the Heartsong Well and remove the taint from the Silver Lake and from the sword Argencoeur. The King of the Wood Elves will provide you with more information. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: North, The Empire AUTHOR: Jar ZONE: silverlake > QUEST: Talon Defeat the great dragon Talon before he leaves his lair to wreck havoc on the lands! A shield with magical properties might be your best defense. QPOINTS: 7 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: West, the Empire AUTHOR: Iguana ZONE: talon > QUEST: Cathedral Free the cathedral from the evil vampires inhabiting it, restoring its treasures to their rightful owner. For more information, prove yourself worthy to the priest in the small church. QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Southwest, the Empire AUTHOR: Lavinrac ZONE: cathedral > QUEST: Turkeynapper Uncle's turkeys have been lost! One of them was last seen being offered corn by a man with a stocking over his head. Can it be that the turkey has been kidnapped??? Can you save the turkey from this heinous criminal and restore him to Uncle again? QPOINTS: 1 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: ErIC ZONE: upstairs > QUEST: DragonOrb Save the dragons that are enthralled by the foul priest Verminaard. Assistance might come from an unexpected place in the small town Solace. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: North, the Empire AUTHOR: Jar ZONE: dragonkeep > QUEST: Atlantis The natives of the once teeming seaside port of Atlantis stopped paying respect to their god Poseidon who retaliated by plunging the town into the deepest parts of the ocean. Are you the surface dweller that the atlantiade legends tell about? The one that will restore Atlantis to Poseidon's good grace again... QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The ocean AUTHOR: JiveBlues ZONE: atlantis > QUEST: Inferno Deep into the caves, past the hot lava, lies each and everyones private hell. Can you help the poor lost souls to escape their eternal toil in this inferno? Or are you all stuck there until hell freezes over? QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Central parts, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Jabberwock ZONE: hell > QUEST: Potion Can you find the ingredients to brew the strength recovery potion? The recipe can be found in an old book... QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Empire and The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: JiveBlues ZONE: various > QUEST: Broom Someone has stolen the broom that belongs to the witch Hazel! Can you help Hazel find it and figure out who stole it? QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: East, the Empire AUTHOR: JiveBlues ZONE: witches > QUEST: Riverdale The inhabitants of the small town of Riverdale, just north of the Peaks, lives under a terrible curse ever since the townspeople "borrowed" the magical heliosphere from its rightful owner. Can you manage to save the town from its own folly? QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: South, the Empire AUTHOR: Jar ZONE: riverdale > QUEST: Castaway It is rumored that on the far north coast of the barbarian lands, a ghostly ships bell has been heard from far out in the misty sea. The local fishermen believe that it is the ghost of the captain of a mighty ship that went to the bottom of the sea in a storm many years ago, leaving some of the valuable cargo to float ashore. Can you find the truth behind the rumors? QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: , completely rewritten and extended by Jar ZONE: moor > QUEST: Purgatory You probably thought you could get away with this murder. Too bad that his species has a well-defined (some, like McKinsey, would say TOO well-defined) afterlife procedure. You're going to have to eat dirt and get your victim out of Purgatory, into heaven, if only to stop the junk mail... QPOINTS: 9 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: In the afterlife (Starts in the Barbarian Lands) AUTHOR: Eri ZONE: biff > QUEST: BirdOfParadise Five pieces of a treasure map have been lost on the island paradise of the pirate community (population: 55). With these, find the means to help reunite the Pirate King with his beloved parrot, thus ensuring that only two mobiles will lead a life of misery, rather than the current fifty-four. As an added bonus, you can hack most of the others pretty indiscriminately. QPOINTS: 9 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Hidden in the vast Ocean, both continents. AUTHOR: Westley ZONE: archipelago > QUEST: Traeumerei Dark Satanic Mills Four perplexing objects of power have been lost in the quiet village of Storbury. Find them - before one of the local trolls finds them first and accidentally triggers the end of the world. QPOINTS: 9 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: A stone's throw away, both continents AUTHOR: Westley ZONE: windmills See also INFO JERUSALEM > QUEST: WindMaster On the back of a winged horse you must travel to Airedale, a town nestled in the clouds. There you must find a way to release the Keeper of the Winds, who has been thrown into a vortex by the demon Miphesius, and prove to the Goddess that mortals are capable of mastering the winds. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: South, the Empire AUTHOR: Armitage ZONE: airedale > QUEST: WinterSpell In a magical world past a wondrous wardrobe, the entire land is locked in an eternal spell of winter without any hope of it ever becoming Christmas or spring. Can you find and destroy the evil spellcaster before it is too late? The spell will be broken if a blessed warrior slays the spellcaster with a single blow. QPOINTS: 4 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Close to the Dancing Stones. The Empire. AUTHOR: Caspian ZONE: narnia > QUEST: BigBadWolf An old lady is living all alone in the forest and is in need of some assistance in getting food and wine from her grand-daughter. However, a big bad, dangerous wolf has been seen in the neighbourhood recently... Having read the Grimm fairy tale "Little Red Ridinghood" will help you. QPOINTS: 1 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Close to the Forest Chapel, The Barbarian Lands AUTHOR: Dage ZONE: grimm > QUEST: WaterTower In a strange place, where things look slightly... drawn... the Warnners have escaped again. Can you find this strange land where the Warnner siblings live and lock them up for good? You will need to draw on your expertise to accomplish this task. This zone is Laertes' tribute to the Animaniacs. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: The Empire AUTHOR: Laertes ZONE: ani > QUEST: Brownies In the land of the Brownies something is terribly wrong... The Mayor of Brownie Town might be able to tell you what has happened to them. QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: South, The Empire AUTHOR: Og ZONE: brownies > QUEST: Eiraheart In the far north of the Empire lives a long lost community of Vikings. Rumors say that among the Vikings is a gem of great beauty and magical powers. This gem goes by the name "the Eiraheart". Owning the gem would be greatly beneficial to you. QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Northwest, the Empire. AUTHOR: Og ZONE: nord > QUEST: MadWizard There is a mad wizard on the loose! He was kicked out of the mage's guild for some unethical experiments on mortal subjects. Someone claims to have seen him put up a shop along the Canticle road in the Empire, but who'd be foolish enough to go close to someone with that bad reputation? QPOINTS: 5 CRITICAL: Yes LOCATION: The Empire AUTHOR: Andrei ZONE: dream > QUEST: Teardrop The evil beings of Fallenthorp are coming close in breaking free of their volcano prison, where they will exact their revenge on the world of the living. Seek the village of Kyerstarn in the northern lands and learn how to repair this imbalance. Begin your search with a wayward pine and then locate a wizard's notebook from the village. QPOINTS: 6 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: North of the moor, the Barbarian Lands. AUTHOR: Aso ZONE: fjord > QUEST: Pendant Wizards claim that they are wise and knowing, benevolent to the unknowing masses, and keepers of the integrity of all - their lofty minds above such petty squabbles as jealousy and rivalry. Of course, as everyone else knows, this is just a load of highly effective fertilizers. One of the wizards has had a precious belonging of his stolen by one of the less fortunate of his brethren. Perhaps you can retrieve it for him? QPOINTS: 1 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Main parts of the Empire (slightly scattered) AUTHOR: Robertguy ZONE: wizpendant > QUEST: Nephilim In a time long past, a task to build a mighty ark was undertaken. Unfortunately, the construction wasn't progressing fast enough; can you help make sure the job is finished before it's too late? QPOINTS: 8 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Starts in the Empire, in the vincinity of Silverlake AUTHOR: Bargalad and Abby, with enhancements by Og ZONE: waters > QUEST: Beanstalk A rare species of golden geese is on the brink of extinction! Can you save this endangered bird before it is gone forever? QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Starts in the Mystic Forest, in the Empire AUTHOR: Og ZONE: beanstalk > QUEST: VolcanoGoddess Through the graciousness of a Volcano Goddess on a fabled island, you might find a way to grow the healing aloe plant. QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Off the coast north of Mystic Cove in the Empire AUTHOR: Urza and Blaze ZONE: hawaii > QUEST: BillyGoats Three billygoats Gruff walked the humpbacked bridge every morning and every night, but now only two billygoats pass that way... The littlest billygoat is missing! A sign in the Warm Haven might give you a clue. QPOINTS: 3 CRITICAL: No LOCATION: Near the village green and the oaktree. AUTHORS: Vitastjern, Og, Tiberius, Snowmane and Blaze ZONE: lair >
Hi! I just started NL questing again after a 25+ year hiatus!