Author name: albertw

computing, Solaris

Install scipy on Solaris

When trying to install scipy via pip on Solaris you may encounter this error: There’s a simple way to resolve this but it’s not immediately obvious. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra Something Something…?) are actually provided by the Solaris math and perf libraries, so installing those and setting a couple of […]

computing, Solaris

One-hot encoding labels

Another little snippet that I sometimes forget 🙂 Suppose you have a dataframe with a column that has data in a string format and you need to transform that into a way that a machine learning algorithm can use. One good way is with one-hot encoding which will take the values in the column and


Cheap radio audio interface

This turned into a surprisingly tricky project… I have a signalink as my main audio interface box to my radios. It’s basically a USB sound card that connects to the data port of my radios and lets me use digital modes. It also has a couple of knobs to control levels. It’s great, I love


Django Q function

When querying objects in django the simplest way is to use the filter() query. If we have a set of systems for example and we want to filter out those that have a SPARC architecture we could do: >>> System.objects.filter(architecture=”sparc”) And if we wanted to narrow that down to only sparc machines that use NIS

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