Author name: albertw


Powering the Yaesu FT-817

The Yaesu FT-817ND is advertised as “the world’s first self-contained, battery-powered, Multi-mode Portable Transceiver covering the HF, VHF, and UHF bands.” Although it can only put out a maximum of 5W it is very popular, particularly for Summit On The Air type activity.

Astronomy, computing, Radio

Detecting Meteors from radio reflections

When I was in school, I remember being told that it was possible to tune an FM radio do a free frequency low in the band and during a meteor storm you could ‘hear’ when meteors struck the atmosphere as the FM signal from distant radio stations would be reflected back down from the ionised


New 6m antenna

Oh dear. It’s been over a couple of years since I’ve posted here! Well to start up again here’s todays lunchtime project – a 6m antenna based on the design at Thanks to Keith for all the bits of wire!


C9.25 tube wobbling

I’ve been having a problem over the past few months of the focus in my scope drifting unacceptably out of focus when imaging targets around the sky. Even when staying on same target for extended periods of time there was a noticeable shift. In some extreme cases the collimation also appears to be way off.

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