

Light Pollution Sensor Data for December 2010

As part of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy our Colleagues at the Kuffner Sternwarte Observatory in Vienna produced a light meter that could be used to monitor light pollution. More details on the project and the meter are available at (use login Guest and IYA2009). There are three stations in Ireland. One in […]


Partial Light Pollution Sensor Data for November 2010

As part of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy our Colleagues at the Kuffner Sternwarte Observatory in Vienna produced a light meter that could be used to monitor light pollution. More details on the project and the meter are available at (use login Guest and IYA2009). There are three stations in Ireland. One in


Partial Light Pollution Sensor Data for October 2010

As part of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy our Colleagues at the Kuffner Sternwarte Observatory in Vienna produced a light meter that could be used to monitor light pollution. More details on the project and the meter are available at (use login Guest and IYA2009). There are three stations in Ireland. One in


Partial Light Pollution Sensor Data for September 2010

As part of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy our Colleagues at the Kuffner Sternwarte Observatory in Vienna produced a light meter that could be used to monitor light pollution. More details on the project and the meter are available at (use login Guest and IYA2009). There are three stations in Ireland. One in

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