

Learning Java

I had a bit of a cold this weekend, so didn’t leave the house much. In fact I didn’t leave my bed much. To pass the time I decided to learn Java. As you do. First stop was to download the IDE. I could have just started writing the code in vi but I […]


ZFS implications for patching

A colleague of mine made an interesting comment today while we were getting a cup of tea. (We drink lots of tea in Patch Test, possibly because there is a big whiteboard near the kettle, or rather a kettle near a big whiteboard somewhere other than a meeting room…) Anyway, the comment was about the


Bubble dejaVu

Bubble dejaVu In the bubble days it wasn’t uncommon to have several mails a day from somewhere in Sun telling you about some big announcement, or some big sale. Today was just like one of those days. For a start, after a couple of years of painfully low presence in the Top 500 Sun plans


First Irish OpenSolaris UsersGroup Meeting

Hi, Thanks to Jamie O’Leary of DIT Netsoc we have a venue available for the first Irish OpenSolaris meeting. So, the time and venue DIT, Bolton St., Rm 259 @ 6:30, Tuesday 27th Sept Primary Speaker Darren Moffat, Solaris Security Architect and then a general discussion on what people would like to get out of

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