
Correlation is not the same as causation

A friends blog mentions a NewScientist article relating to a tribe that apparently cannot understand numbers beyond three. The conclusion by the researchers is that language determines thought. Although i don’t have training in this field, I don’t believe the conclusion for three reasons: 1.The tribes understand three. So their thought works on “one, two, […]


They let me near customers

Today I went on a customer visit, a very rare thing for me. A few years ago Sun Ireland gave out some hardware to computer societies in various Universities around the country. As one of the first members of such a societiy (timf was a founding member) let me tell you a little about it.


New car

Finally got around to taking my new car to work today. Its a 2000 Nissan Almera Hatchback. Described as “boringly reliable” by Top Gear, which suits me just fine. However, I should have been driving it all week, but that didnt hapen due to a clutch failure on the way to a wedding on Saturday.


relativly general last week

Dublin played host to the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. Up until a few days before the event only the professionals and amateur astronomers were aware of the event. What was organised well in advance were the public lectures, on the opening day of the conference, Kip Thorne, best known publicly for

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